The power of collaboration
How can our audiences make sense of it all? How can media continue to hold those in power to account? How can public service journalism strengthen audience trust? Collaboration is key.
How can our audiences make sense of it all? How can media continue to hold those in power to account? How can public service journalism strengthen audience trust? Collaboration is key.
This ionic picture – captured by the NRK frontline team, tells a story of the psychology of war that cannot be expressed with words.
Why the drift away from traditional news? News that never stops; news that feels uncomfortably bleak and news that is not relatable – we need something different.
How ORF have developed their coverage of war on the ground, the refugee crisis and the challenges the conflict poses for Austrian politicians and society as a whole.
Fact-checking organizations face the challenge of reaching audiences who need them the most – but are least likely to seek them out. Norway has a unique approach to this problem.
In most newsrooms climate stories are still not treated as an integral part of everything. How do we change this?
NHK producer Zenke Masaru on his personal mission to keep the conflict in Myanmar at the top of the news agenda.
A totally independent approach to frontline reporting – supported by patrons and podcasts – provides a unique freedom to tell it like you see it.
We are struggling to make our facts heard or seen against a background of unsourced rumor, innuendo, commentary and outright manipulation all turbocharged by social media. How do we win?
A spy in your phone or a must-have for every broadcaster who wants to reach Gen Z and beyond? How ARD Germany‘s tagesschau news brand handles TikTok.